Drills & Tutorials
The LagMaster - Increase Speed & Improve Contact
Every golfer wants more consistency, greater speed and distance, increased control, and better ball contact.
We get it.
The LagMaster training aid will allow you to achieve all of these things. With one simple, easy-to-learn movement that gets your body, arms, hands, and club to the top correctly, get on plane, shift your weight, and make solid contact.
While keeping it super simple. NO other training aid does that.
With each practice swing, the LagMaster reinforces the proper swing, unlocking the path to a more consistent, powerful, and controlled golf swing that may have eluded you until now.
By simplifying your swing thoughts, you can play golf with a clear mind and take the swing from the range to the course.
We have seen changes to swings in as quickly as TWO swings.
Begin transforming your swing TODAY with the LAGMASTER. The simple pathway to playing the best golf of your life.
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