Score Smarter: LagMaster Leads the Pack in Golf Link's 2024 Top Training Aids!
Golf Link's recent compilation of "22 Golf Training Aids to Lower Your Scores in 2024" has brought attention to the LagMaster, positioning it as a pivotal tool for golfers seeking to enhance their...

Golf Central Magazine Spotlights LagMaster
The PGA Show is always a hotbed of innovation and excitement for golf enthusiasts, and this year was no exception. Among the myriad of products showcased, one standout stole the spotlight: The Lag...

Birdies, Bogeys, and Brilliant Innovations Take Over
A journey of continuous learning and professional development, PGA Professionals flock to the annual PGA Show. Driven by a shared commitment to excellence in golf management, this event isn't just...

A Hole-in-One Among Golf's Elite
For over two decades, Tony Leodora, a seasoned golf writer and broadcaster, has dedicated an entire week to meticulous research leading up to the PGA Show in Orlando. With a discerning eye, he meti...

The LagMaster Takes Center Stage At PGA Show
The recent PGA Golf Show proved to be a hotspot for cutting-edge golf innovations. We're so grateful that the LagMaster is emerging as one of the standout products in the industry. To be able to l...